Getting Started

Choosing a Virtual Private Server.

This guide will walk you through the deployment and registration of a Darknode. Before you begin, make sure that you have a MacOS, Windows, or Ubuntu machine available (i.e. home computer) and 100,000 REN.

Darknode Hardware Requirements and Costs

During installation and deployment, remote machines (VPS) will be automatically set up as needed.

Choose a Virtual Private Server (VPS) from the options below:

VPS Providers



2 vCPU and 1 GB RAM

$10 USD per month + storage costs + network costs

1 vCPU and 1 GB RAM

$5 USD per month + storage costs + network costs


$16 USD per month + storage costs + network costs


Coming soon

Coming soon


Coming soon

Coming soon

Darknode Responsibilities | A Word of Caution

Running a Darknode for Ren is a responsibility. It requires moderate involvement in the network and community. There is an assumption that you have some technical know-how and understand how to utilize your computer's command-line interface (CLI).

You will be required to occasionally update your Darknode and make sure it keeps running, so please do understand the responsibility prior to moving forward. If you are not committed to being involved in the network's safety, we'd encourage you not to proceed. ‌

However, if you are prepared for this responsibility, then please proceed to the next steps and welcome to Ren's Darknode Community!

Last updated