Update a Darknode

How to Update Your Darknode CLI

1.Open your computer's Terminal and run this command in your computer's terminal to update your CLI:

curl https://www.github.com/renproject/darknode-cli/releases/latest/download/update.sh -sSfL | sh

2. Once updated, you can check the version of the CLI. Use the command:

darknode --version

How to Update Your Darknode

Run this command in your computer's Terminal to update your Darknode:

darknode update YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME

Once updated, you’ll receive a confirmation in the terminal stating “DARKNODE NAME has been updated to the latest version on branch” in green.

Darknode showing "Unable to Connect"?

To fix it, follow these instructions:

  1. Update your darknode-cli to 3.1.3 via these instructions (above).

  2. Once updated, run this command:

darknode update YOUR-DARKNODE-NAME

When complete, close Terminal, and your Darknode should be operational from the command center within a few hours.

Last updated

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